The Piece Not Left Behind...
The Outdoor Blogger Network has given a "Photo Prompt" on what our favorite piece of Outdoor Gear would be to take along on our journey...As I thought about this, I really didn't have a favorite. I mean, my fishing gear is a "total package" deal. So, back to the item that can't be left behind. One piece of equipment that never leaves my hand for too long anyway! Yep, the one, the only, My DROID! Ok, now I know there will be those who roll their eyes on this one. You are thinking that I should leave my phone behind when going fishing...Oh to the contrary!! Let me give you my "Top Ten" reasons why my Droid must tag along on the journey. 1) It is my camera. 2) It is my music. 3) It is my website (as you can see). 4) It is my Fishing Report. 5) It is my Weather and Radar Source. 6) It is my Google Map for new adventures. 7) It is my Lake Forcaster (Time2Fish App.) 8) It is my phone (dah) Just in case I have some exciting news to share! 9) It is my to make sure I don't get carried away and I get home for dinner! 10) I love my Droid. And I make sure that it has a safe journey too. It sits inside of a Simm's Waterproof Pouch and never misses a day of fishing. One downside on these wonderful devices is that they should run on solar power!!! Now, there's an idea!
I started to vomit a little bit... and then I read your reasoning. I guess it does have its place. I like having a phone with me too, and I finally got a waterproof phone because I've dunked mine while fishing more than once. They don't make a waterproof smart phone yet, and I suspect they may not ever. The waterproof adventure phone market is a pretty small one. We have a waterproof camera too... one of the best fishing purchases Kelly and I ever made. No more waterproof bags.
ReplyDeleteMy Holgas! I usually head out with at least two, plus a digital point an shoot.
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I have added yours to my links..
I like my EVO, but I usually turn the sound off. With it's 8 MP camera I rarely carry the ol' point and shoot anymore. Its a little bit of a safety thing for me too, but reception can be sketchy where I often fish. At least its something. I do like that Android.
ReplyDeleteJay ~ Yes, I was a little nervous on my choice and what others would, the "adventure" waterproof phone would be awesome!
ReplyDeleteBrian ~ Thanks for stopping by. You definitely have the equipment for beautiful pictures! I unfortunately have chosen convenience.
Mark ~ I've dunked an MP3 and a phone before getting this one. Live and learn! The Simms pouch has been the answer for me.
I like my Palm Pixi, with internet at yer fingertips it's hard to find a reason to leave it behind.
ReplyDeleteLet me guess, your ringtone is:
ReplyDeletea) zzzzzt
b) Yeehaa, fish on
c) a babbling brook
d) all of the above depending on who is calling
Luke ~ I looked at that Pixi's a nice phone. Yes, I'm afraid that it is a nice convenience to have.
ReplyDeletePS ~ Oh, how funny! Well, it was an outdoor sound with crickets and chirps on my old phone. But, it is just the default "Droid" sound right have me thinking now...maybe a good contest! Who could come up with the best ringtone? Hmmm...
Based on your past stories, I would like to add reason 11: In case I am attacked by bears, sink in the mud, flood my waders and mauled by rock throwing woodchucks...
Steph ~ A Safety Device!!! Unless, it goes down with me...Ha. Great comment, Steph!
ReplyDeleteI think it's a good choice! I think the music is justification enough, especially if you're fishing by yourself. I have to admit, I like to fish with an i-Pod.
ReplyDeleteRD: Sure beats my chalkboard and chalk.
ReplyDeleteSo what are we looking at here? A fly fishing addict and smartphone junkie? Sounds about like the majority of us :)
ReplyDeleteJEG ~ I used to bring my ipod until I just realized that it was easier to have one device on me!
ReplyDeleteHarold ~ You would make a good football coach!
Mark ~ Might as well have the best of both worlds!! Right?
I noticed you mentioned a safety device. Nice to have if you need to 911. On the other hand, I don't have a Droid, Blackberry, or a Smartphone of any kind, but hell, I can't get a signal most of the time anyway. I just leave mine in the truck.
Beyond tackle of course, my Blackberry is my office on the water. Today I went fishing and booked four fishing trips between hook-ups. While I'd never pull it out while guiding, it is great when I can take my home office to my water office and they sync up.
ReplyDeleteShoreman ~ Well, I'm guessing that you are probably better on your feet than I am... And a signal does help!! I can forget that when in Yellowstone. :) rawr!
ReplyDeleteMysticfishing ~ For what you does come in quite handy, I'm sure. Thanks for stopping by.
The big question is, do you actually answer it while fishing? ( Yes. She does. ) lol I gotta go take a shower now. I smell like fish-sticks. ;)
ReplyDeleteLOL I didn't choose my iPhone as my one top piece of outdoor equipment but after reading this maybe I should have, for all the reasons you listed and more (my #11 would be that it keeps me in touch with twitter, to which I am addicted). My phone has had a few close calls with the water though... Great post :)
ReplyDeleteDear Biggest Fan ~ How do you know? haha. Yep, Fish Stick Friday!
ReplyDeleteArgosgirl ~ I'm glad that we connected here...Hope you will follow along. You know, FB is enough for me...Twitter would just do me in!!!