It has been a long week...full of surprises...and my thoughts have been away from the computer for a few days. But, we are back at it again and as this is kind of a last minute post...I will give you just a few thoughts about some of my favorite reads.
First of all,
Owl Jones. Now, what in the world is he doing filming a "make believe"
dating video ???? The camo shirt was enough to make any smart girl or trout run away...haha! Honestly, I know that this is partially my fault, as I didn't keep tabs on him this past week and everything runs a muck when there isn't supervision...haha.

Then, there is the
Midgeman. Wow. He got tired of waiting for the water to recede in those Rocky Mountain streams...and took his 7 wt to a carpy pond... Now, you tell me if that isn't the
prettiest piece of carp that you have seen in awhile??? It must have been an awesome smell in that car on the way home!!! : ) The Midgeman sure knows how to catch all types and all sizes...kudos to Mr. Gibbs, his darling Schnauzer who hung in even while getting dunked!

Want to see a
honkin' big brook trout? And on video to boot??? Well,
Fontinalis Rising had a post a week or so ago that made me push that replay one more time! Incredible action videos lately on Jason's blog...check it out and see how much water can be covered in so little time! The "Croc Hunter" of Lake Michigan or any other piece of water that he can find within 30 miles.
UA strikes again!! This post is about one of my favorite places to fish...The Firehole in Yellowstone National Park. His recent journey was one filled with good times with friends, and a lot of humor. Mother Nature didn't take pity on
"The Firehole Rangers" and it was a snowy Memorial Day Wkd, but still fantastic fishing like always!! Really, who wouldn't want to fish with these guys??!!!

Last, but not friend,
Sanders. Have you been reading
Up The Poudre? ..If you haven't, start now! A terrific read...everytime! I am picking as my favorite recent read, his
"Dog Post" ... It just made me laugh...and I needed that this last week. So, thank you Sanders. There is only one thing I can't figure bulldogs get that dang long tongue of theirs, rolled back into their mouth! Lol.
Tippet of the Day: Try finding a new read for the week...maybe you are already following these, so go over to the OBN directory and check out a few new ones...There is so much talent out there! And there is always something that I can enjoy from someone's writing style that makes them unique. And that is what is so much fun about writing. We all show our individual personality that makes our readers come back for more. (Well, at least I hope they come back here!!) Have a great week everyone!
I hope YOU have a GREAT week, too. Your posts are always inspirational, whether it's a "Tippets" or not. Now about that camo shirt aversion you seem to be developing... ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the plug, big sis.
RD- Thanks for the shot out! I read all of the blogs mentioned above religiously (yours included), and always look forward to their next post.
ReplyDeleteAbout bulldog's and tongues...well, let's just say Rex is really special :-)
You're right on about checking out's a great place to find some really talented people, and a great place to find some inspiration!
Have a great week, and I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us!
You've been missed, Missy. Hope you are doing well.
ReplyDeleteDamsel... The car survived, but the cooler is still soaking!