So, here we are...just a few days from the Rocky Mtn. Frenzy!! And to tell you the truth, I wouldn't mind if it was tomorrow! With it originally planned for August (until a medical emerg. came up the night before leaving)...the event is now happening during the beautiful fall season, which I don't mind a bit! Since booking my flight last week at the last minute (and what a great deal I got!) a few days ago, things are shaping up very nicely. And I am thankful that I am working with such wonderful people in Colorado. Everyone has pitched in with ideas and plans for some outstanding fly fishing this weekend.
Our Friday Night Meeting Place For Some Grub! |
This weekend isn't all about the fishing, you know! I believe that all who attend the
Frenzy will agree that the meeting of fellow outdoor bloggers and on-line friends ranks even with the fishing or maybe more...It's all about sharing time together and telling stories (tall fish stories??) and having a few laughs. When I think about it, isn't that what we really do in the blogger circuit? Of course we do! We support each other. We read, comment, and give advice (when asked)...and some maybe not! We are interconnecting all the time. : )

Teamwork is all about picking each other up. Giving support when needed and giving a hand of friendship. I'm sure that there will be good advice for me on the water too...And I will take it all in to improve my skills. When you are working on a project at work, isn't it the team effort that ultimately puts together a successful completion? You bet it is. And usually, with a strong team effort, possibilities are endless. And the fishing opportunities will be endless this weekend too! We have a great lineup of rivers to fish. And I thank everyone coming to the
Rocky Mtn. Frenzy for helping out with the itinerary. We have worked very well together and everyone's input has really helped. And a special thank you to
Dustin and Stephanie for their help!!

Friday: We start our fantastic weekend on the Cache La Poudre River...This river was named by trappers after a cache of gunpowder that had been stored there. It has been designated as a National Wild and Scenic River by the National Park Service. And it is the home water of many of those that are participating in the Frenzy! (Including the "Midgeman" who catches all of those fish on the heavy fly skimming the bottom of the river...
Saturday Morning: We continue our journey to Boulder Creek. The creek was named well ahead of the city's founding, for all of the large granite boulders that have cascaded into the creek over the eons.
It is from Boulder Creek that Boulder City and hence Boulder is believed to have taken its name. Boulder is famous for its status as one of the most liberal cities in Colorado and its colorful Western history too. We just got a late addition to the party...We welcome
Kyle Perkins...who will show us some of the best spots on Boulder Creek. : )

Saturday Afternoon: There was one river that I had to fish for sure...and it is fishing very well right now! : ) The Big Thompson or the Big ''T" as locals call it. This river and canyon were named for David Thompson, an English engineer and astronomer, who, early in the 19th century, explored many streams in the Mid-West and mountain states in search of trapping camps. The Big Thompson Canyon is an area of enormous beauty and I can't wait to see it!!
Sunday: Another "epic" day in store...I am leaving the planning on this one to Stephanie who treks so often to the Rocky Mountain National Park. I can't tell you which water we will be fishing as of yet...but, I know that it will be a day that I won't want to see end. Populations of at least four species of trout exist in the park - brown, brook, rainbow, and cutthroat.
I am going to share the following I love the music, the mountains and well...the dog ! Enjoy. It will give you a feeling what the Rockies are all about. There is a whole lot more to the RMNP than just the lakes and rivers that flow through it and the incredible wildlife. I'm sure that as I get to know all of my Colorado blogger friends, I will find out that they are all as down-to-earth as one could be. And I will feel right at home...Just a hunch.