So, it has been announced that the "Epic Troutrageous ~ Owl Fishing Trip" is only a few weeks away...oh, wait a minute while I look at that
Countdown Meter ... Yep, less than that now. Anyways, the fly fishing brothers are about to embark on a Smoky Mountain adventure... I thought it only fair to
Mike Agneta, Mr. Troutrageous! to give him fair warning or shall we say some "Sunday Tippets" for his upcoming trip. I mean, I did experience fly fishing in the Smokies with
Owl and
Flyfish SC last Spring...so, who else would be better in giving a little bit of advice... Do you know the words to "Rocky Top"??? Lol.
Milliam will definitely keep things on an even keel...
I think. = )
Owl Jones dot com recently put out his announcement with an interesting list of promises for those who come to visit him and the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Here was his list... Listen up, and take note,
Mr. T! There is a lot to be said for reading between the lines... = )
1. Culture shock ~ What Owl really is saying here...is that you will see many new and different things. A Chicken Statue...Boiled Peanut vendors with a steaming barrel on the side of the road...those sort of things...
2. New food (fried pies, boiled peanuts, pork rinds, fried pickles, grits) ~
Well, you know that you have to try the favorites of Georgia while you are there...just be very careful not to eat too much of these goodies! You have been warned. But, you must have him take you to a BBQ with fried green beans and okra. Just sayin'! (You can easily put on 10 lbs in one weekend.) And don't put those pies in your suitcase to come home with... They won't make it. = ) And if you try the grits, you are one up on me...
3. Amazing fishing for 6 inch trout ~
OR LESS!!! Lol. No, that isn't a lure. Ok...to be fair, there are some 6 inch brookie beauties like this one too...
4. Live, first hand observation of redneck behavior ~ You don't have to look far to find redneck behavior... Their outdoor swings are a little strange though...
5. Camping with bears ~ Ya know, I had a perfect way to remain safe and sound from the bears. This will be my most important tippet to you. Get first dibbs on sleeping on the air mattress in the back of the SUV! Let the Georgia natives have the tents. = )
6. Free lessons on proper speaking ( How to speak Southern )
~ Now, Owl is the Host of Southern Speaking... He will have you speaking a foreign whole new language before you go back home. I will give you a couple of starters before you leave...so you will feel a bit more acclamated when you arrive!!
Howdy = hello, hey there. "Howdy, y'all".
Yonder = over there. "I'm goin' over yonder."
Fixin' = about to or going to. "I'm fixin' to get somethin' to eat."
7. Atlanta traffic ~ Well, you are flying into one of the busiest airports...so, yes, you will see traffic. Owlie lives north in a quiet suburb...he doesn't like all the hustle and bustle. = ) No worries on getting out of there... Owl is a car jumper. He presses a button and the car automatically jumps over several at a time... And if you have signage like this... People will let you pass. Lol. Oh, well...maybe not for your trip. = )
8. Lame jokes ~ Well, I really can't help you out there. It is what it is. You are with Owl Jones. But, he does have some pretty good ones too. = ) But, I promise you that the jokes will keep you laughing the whole time...even if they are lame. And forgive Owl for his sense of direction...he will get you to your destination in the end. = )
9. The Great Smoky Mountain National Park ~ My only "tippet" here is to let that camera roll...you will see the most amazing scenery and views as you make the journey around the Park... You might even see an Owl in front of the GSMNP welcome sign...just sayin'! (It's such a friendly place)
10. $1,500 cash ~ Ummm...this was not on my original list of things promised when in Georgia... But, no worries! If this is the only thing that isn't fulfilled on his promise list...you are doing very well indeed! Your experience in the Smokies will be priceless.
SUNDAY TIPPET: Last, but not least... Pray for no rain and especially no flash flooding... Really, there is no way that it could happen again like last year. = ) No way...
And despite the weather Owl, Mark, and I had... It was a great time. Because when you are with friends...nothing else really matters.
Thank you RD. Sage advice indeed. A little under two weeks to go. I'm taking these notes very serious, my own survival may be at stake!
ReplyDeleteI think there will be a few good stories that come from this little adventure...looking forward to the postings. Good stuff RD...good to know that T! is listening :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry but did you just say "no way" that could happen again? oh boy.... :) LOL
ReplyDeleteT! - Glad to be of some help. I went out there totally blind and so maybe this can help prevent any unnecessary medical bills. Lol. Ahhhh, I'm just kidding there...
ReplyDeleteSanders - We know that there will be stories...how much truth there is in each one is under debate... : )
ReplyDeleteOwl -. Absolutely...The power of positive thinking!
ReplyDeleteLet the fun begin........
I think it already has... = )