Monday, June 11, 2012

To What Extreme Do Flyfishing Bloggers Go???

Why is this always my story???!!!
I wish that I could say it was
What I find interesting about this whole activity of fly that you can get as serious as you want or as laid back as you want. Bloggers seem to take things a little differently, as they are looking for a story as well as a fish.  Cameras and video cams are usually in the backpack.  And if you are lucky, a friend will come along to help out with capturing the "moment"!!  I thought it would be fun to see what heights our flyfishing blogging friends go to get a "story" to post on their blog or just to have around in the family picture album for all to enjoy.  Some of these pictures are mishaps that are "unstaged" and some are just plain out "staged"!!  You be the judge.

"Honestly it’s a lot more work to crawl under a log, and the thought of the log shifting while I was underneath it was a little unnerving.  So I opted to go over whenever possible."  K. Werner  (Staged)   But, still a good example of how some fly fishermen will go to all lengths to get to their favorite fishing hole.

                                             Howard Levett :  "Windknots and Tangled Lines"
                                              I would have to say that this is NOT "staged"!!!
 Our dear Howard definitely has "extreme" tangles...

But, to his credit...he can get that line out on the water...eventually!
And that makes a great story in itself!

It's hard to know if this is staged or not.  Mainly because, I know this guy.  = )
He really believes in camoflauge... Lol.
Does this "exteme" help you catch fish??  I don't really know.
I wear yellow myself. = ) 

This is the ultimate effort in getting back your fly... I'm not sure if this is "unstaged" or "staged" due to the fact that he can get another fly anytime from the shop...Maybe it was a one of a kind!  It definitely had some kind of meaning to him... = )

We all know that T! will go to all lengths for a laugh.  And his most recent fixation with "Bigfoot" has him dressing up like the guy to catch trout... Or maybe that is really...No, couldn't be.  I know those Italians can be hairy...but, no way!  This is definitely "staged"...

 (Ok...I have to come clean...Mike didn't get back to me with a picture...
So, I had to improvise a little.  But, it isn't like he wouldn't do this!!)

So, there you have it.  Bloggers trying to get a story.  And sometimes a fish!  Regardless... Ha!


  1. I'm glad nobody has taken a picture of me yet. Go Pro on the hat and camera strapped around the neck. I often forget to turn the video camera on since there is no remote.
    Nice post

    1. Mr. Texas (Robert?) ~ I have seriously thought about the Go Pro, but with all my follies on the river...I don't know if I really want them filmed! Ha. But, I'm sure it will happen someday.

  2. ha ha ha...I see someone has been sneaking unauthorized photos and selling them to the fly fishing Enquirer...hey, that was a 30 min. bass fly stuck out there on that log. No idea what-so-ever how it got there..?

    1. Jay ~ I don't know of any librarian that -s-e-l-l-s-, flyfishing photos to fellow bloggers... = ) Do you? Glad you saved the fly for another journey out.

  3. You shouldn't wear yellow. Yellow is the color of bananas, and you know what is said about bananas and fishing.

    1. Is there some giant, unseen cloud of bad, yellow karma that develops when a banana gets close to the fish telling him to stay away??? That is such hogwash...I will take a banana with me tomorrow in my pack and come back with my report. I must disprove this theory!!

  4. See, there is an advantage to fishing alone. When you do stupid things, nobody catches it on camera like wading out thigh deep in the river to retrieve a brand new Rapala lure that somebody lost and you found.


    1. Mark - I guess the question is...did you catch fish on it later??? If so, not stupid at all!

  5. I thought it was bananas and boats. Are you guys going on a boat ride? Oh I love boat rides. When do we leave!? :)

    1. Owl - No boat ride...just wading in yellow and now a banana my pack to show no fear! Lol.

  6. RD
    The story is not the problem with me it is the image. I have to admit I don't go overboard to get a pic, but if the opportunity is there I will take it. At times I simply forget the darn camera and for me all is lost if the image is not there to support the post even if it takes going to the extreme to get the shot. Great Post!!
    Thanks for the comment on Blogger

    1. Bill - You are welcome and I'm sure that you are the one person that can get along just fine without the silly pictures!

  7. If I had a dime for every face plant or every waterfall I slid face first down, I would retire. Let's not even get into those pesky rhododendron thickets...

    Yellow might work in the Fall.

  8. Mark - Next time we are going to show me how to slide with grace! I didn't know that you were experienced in that area! Lol. were holding out on me... :)

  9. Think of all the times we can't snap a photo because we are about to die.

    1. Maybe I won't follow you at the next Frenzy!!! Lol.

  10. I'm with David...sometimes the camera is better left in its pack. for safeties sake :-)

    1. I was wondering why we never see pictures of your don't have any! Well, good for you, Sanders! Glad someone is safe out there!!

  11. "The difference between a great blog and a terrible blog is the great blogger only points or lets others point at things worth photographing..."(my quote)

  12. I almost made it 24 hours without a response. Pretty good quote huh? I made it up.

    1. Howard ~ I had to think about this...and I have come to the conclusion that I'm somewhere in between...just mediocre! A great quote by the way...thank you for that mind provoking thought. = )
