... there aren't any fish on the other side! Well, I'm sure the Von Trapp's didn't care much about that. They just loved being together and singing along the way... But, I would have to say that my last journey's song went something like this...
"I climbed every mountain,
I searched high and low.
I followed every byway,
And every path I did not know.
I climbed every mountain,
I forded every stream.
I followed every rainbow, errr...rock,
But in the end, did I find my dream???"
Unlike the Von Trapp family... I climbed and climbed, but I don't think that I found my dream. Let's back up and "start at the very beginning". It was a well deserved break from a few weeks away from fishing... Getting to the river was exactly what I needed. There was excitement in the air as the fall, brisk breeze soon put a chill down my back. Ahhh, it felt so good. Then, the sound of a few splashes of fat, healthy trout greeted me. A four hour road trip seemed like a moment now. Beauty, peace, tranquility. I was back. = )
As we looked out at the water at the end of the boat ramp, there were already a few anglers with bent rods and fish in their nets. It was my plan to fish upstream from the ramp area and go up a mile or two towards the dam. But, we decided to give it a go for a half hour or so at the boat ramp, as we found a little bit of space to squeeze into. I was more intrigued in watching for some reason. You see, there was this guy catching trout this way and that way until he got tired enough to sit down on the dock behind him. As I inched over his way, he said to me..."Go ahead, fish that spot. I need a rest." So, I walked into the hole that seemed to be a win-win and gave it a go. Nothing. He gave me a fly that worked for him and I tried that too...but, to no avail. So, I gave him back his lucky spot and BOOM! Another fish on for my new friend, "BIG WILL"!!
I took this picture of Willis as he had a dead battery in his camera phone. = )
One can always use positive karma, that's for sure!
So, I was ready to head north towards the dam and fish Section A... But, as luck would have it, my friend wanted to fish downstream in Section B. Being the good sport that I am, I gave way to the hopeful face that had a "tip" from another angler at the fly shop nearby. Now, I am not one to doubt other anglers "tips" on what fly is working and what water is most fishable. But, something just told me that this "tip" wasn't...well, should we say "honestly given"??? But, I followed along and was promised that it wasn't that far over the ridge..........and through the woods..........and down the rocky trail. Ugh...ok.
Exhibit A ~ Still smiling and not knowing what was in front of me.
Exhibit C ~ Maybe smiling... I can't remember. Honestly... Was this all worth it?
Ahhh...the water that we had left!
Finally... A resting spot. A great view. And no other anglers in sight.
Hmmm... Was there a reason?
Out came a few streamers...
But, soon it was time to head back to the base camp.
And yes, one more time up the mountain, through the woods, and down the rocky trail!
Oh, where is my water bottle? Crap... I left it in the car. Fortunately for me, my buddy was gracious enough to share the one bottle that she had for the last 2 1/2 miles...
We persevered. We conquered. Would I do it again? Hahahaha.

Now we were back to where we had started, oh about six hours ago...
And back to catching fish!

Dusk set in quickly and a long day came to a close.
And as promised, for my great rock climbing and hiking efforts...
I was treated to this, on the way home.
Life is good. (Oh, what's a little grease!)
Next trip out... My pick ~ Upstream!
A Damsel "thank you" to all of my guest writers so far (there are a few more as this is just a quick break in the action for me). And thanks to all who have written to me with love and concern about David. He is progressing nicely and the kidney transplant seems to have been a success! His sister has now returned home to TN. So, back to normal very soon... See you in about a week or so! Enjoy the last few guest posts. We have some great reading for you! = )
"Oh, where is my water bottle?" I don't think I've ever fished a lake or stream that I've not left something in the truck I should have had with me.
ReplyDeleteMark - A five mile RT hike.without water...not good! Jeri saved the day... She could see that I was not an experienced mountaineer and took pity on me. I have a feeling thst she won't be choosing the "long way" anytime soon!
ReplyDeleteUh...well...Good to hear David and his sister are doing well...uh...damn that burger looks good. Oh yeah the photos are great.
ReplyDeleteHoward - This was definitely the kind of hike that builds character...What kind? I'm not sure! And that Wimpy Burger was as good as it looks...