It's still June, but the "Dog Days Of Summer" have arrived early in Utah. 100+ temperatures have arrived this past week, leaving all of us panting...
Which led me to find cooler grounds to spend my "Fish Tuesday" in the High Uintas... But, the fishing was slow, with the only fish catching my hook as I walked upstream!
So, yesterday, we headed back to Wyoming. Ten degrees cooler according to the reports. That sounded good enough. I invited my friend Wendy to join me for the day. It didn't take long for her to say, "I see why you like this place, Emily"!!
One of the many bent rods for Wendy... |
And so it began... We got there early to have a few hours in cooler temps. And after some nice catches, I got my catch of the day.
Then, the 75 degrees climbed up to 90 by one o'clock. It was time to sit down in the shade. I knew my day was over. I don't do particularly well in the heat... my body doesn't sweat! So my skin doesn't cool off like other people. I had been sipping on my water bottle during the morning. And usually I only need one bottle, so that is all I brought with me from the car. Big mistake! Wendy was having such a good time on her first visit, I hated to cut her day short. So, I sat, slapping away deer flies, mosquitos, and any other bug that happened to like me.
When we got back to the car, I was exhausted. A long walk back and the heat had gotten to me. I learned my lesson on this one. In the summer heat, I will fish early or fish late. No reason to be out there in the hottest part of the day. The fish will always be there. And to prevent dehydration... here are some tippets for all.
~ Sunday Tippets ~
Don't use thirst as an indicator for
staying hydrated. If you wait until you're thirsty to drink, you're already
dehydrated. Furthermore, drink more than until you thirst no
Choose your beverages wisely. Alcohol and
caffeinated beverages such as coffee and some teas and soft drinks will only
increase the effects of dehydration.