No worries... I just had a little bout of low potassium. What was ironic was that I started feeling light headed when the phone rang and the doctor told me that my labs came back and showed a very low count and she advised me to get to the ER right away! You can just go into cardiac arrest, that's all... Let's see... So, I get back home and bake the rest of the cookies to send and Howard gets 2 day stale sort of fresh cookies. And as you can see, he is a very happy cookie monster geezer. That reminds me... I think he was supposed to share with the other geezer, Mel. Hmmm... Don't think that happened. Maybe, because in defense to Howard, Mel is hard to find. He is now a Pond Stalker, in search of fishies in his local ponds.
Yep, no longer chasing rainbows.
A week later, I get my labs in good enough shape to leave town for a little birthday fishing trip with my friend Wendy. We venture to my favorite place in the world.
We would find higher water levels that we wanted. We would find slower fishing than we wanted. (Yes, sometimes fly shops put that "excellent fishing" on their reports to attract attention.) All in all, we found a few rainbows and browns to keep us happy. And after talking with others on the river, felt like we did as well or better than most. And we got two points for braving the wind, rain, lightening and hail that pounded us on two different days that started with blue skies.

Wendy was the "Winner Winner Chicken Dinner" recipient...
Hey, I make a pretty dang good guide, don't I?! I do know the spots. Ha.
So, we had our fun and the game was over.
I landed one hook into a finger... but, guess what? The River Damsel has learned to pinch down barbs... = ) Now, if I could just avoid going to the ER again while baking cookies!
And lastly, here are my birthday socks from the hotel manager, Paul, who sells these woolies at the motel front desk. What a nice guy to knit me up some custom socks in my favorite color.. (And with only two days notice) The perks of being a loyal guest and a devoted fisher lady with stories to tell, most of the time... <"((((><<
Now, where is my orange juice and bananas?