Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Forever In Plaid Adventure

Yes, it's been a couple of weeks again without a siting of the River Damsel.  Sometimes life gets put ahead of that thing they call fly fishing.  You know... Hey, I even had a birthday two weeks ago.  One that I would like to forget.  Let's just say that it was kind of a flop.  I guess that I'm a kid still when it comes to birthday celebrations.  And well, I had to work for a half day before I could get out to fish for a couple hours.  It was very nice of my friend to take me out to the river that day, but with the storm that greeted us, the fishing was all but stellar.  And I got back home late, so there wasn't the usual dinner out or cake. (Maybe I didn't get one year older, eh?)  So, what do you do when you want a re-do of your birthday? That's right... you go on a fly fishing trip!  So, off to Montana I went for my rain check this past weekend.

  Fly boxes were loaded full of "winners", I hoped.

Almost there... I get quite excited when I see that 
"Welcome to Montana" sign!

But, the excitement faded quickly when I saw my favorite river full of moss and grass.  I had checked the reports and I did know that there was "some" moss.  But, the fishing was supposed to still be "good".  The flows were even lower than expected too.  Well, sometimes a fly shop report isn't quite all the way truthful when conditions are not up to snuff.  It's all about getting you up there for a visit.  I don't like it, but I understand it.

Ok.  So you can catch fish in moss and grass.  But, your tolerance level is definitely challenged.  Haha.

Fortunately, I had a friend that I was meeting up with that is a local and he knew of a few more fishing spots that we could head to.  So, after one day of fishing "green" stuff, we headed to more friendly water.  And this is where the "Forever in Plaid" adventure really started.  We are both members of a Facebook group that does a state count each week of getting out to fish as a competition.  We get a point for each day out on the water.  But, this week it was deemed "plaid week" and so we were decked out appropriately to get two points each day instead.  Oh, the silly games we play sometimes.  = )   And I was playing for Montana, not Utah of course...  Funny, it seems that I often play for another state during the summer.  Heehee.

I want to thank Travis for sharing his favorite fishing holes and also for his great knowledge of the bugs and surroundings.  He was a stand up guy and a lot of fun to fish with.  And he had patience... It's not always easy fishing with a girl...  Especially one that is a little slow in tying on flies.  = )

Without further adieu...
A recap of a most AWESOME fishing adventure!


  1. Sounds like a lot of fun... even with the salad bowl fishing that started the trip :)

    1. Hib ~ Unfortunately, my birthday falls during salad season. But, I now have a few new places that I can bend a rod after this trip. So, all is well!!

  2. Wow, RD, fishing, and Alabama. It just doesn't get any better than that.

    1. Haha Mark~ A bit of good ol' country fishing in plaid! Good times for sure. Thx for stopping by!

  3. Em, loved your video, and the music. Glad you had a great time. Sorry you are going to Boise on the 20th. Looked forward to fishing again, Maynard.

    1. Maynard ~ I'm afraid that this girl has to slow down for awhile. No Boise until November. The big browns will have to wait. Oh, but, I know of something local that will suffice until then... = )

  4. RD
    You know this post is only agony for me, because every time you do one of these Montana adventures it makes me wish I could be there. Thanks for sharing a great trip!!

    1. Bill ~ It's time that you have a trip out to Utah. We have some pretty stellar trout waters as well... wink wink.

  5. Howard ~ It's hard to believe that you don't have plaid. It might be worth a trip over to Wal-Mart. Just sayin'...
