There is a time in every fly fisherman's life, that he or she has a special day with just "one fly". For some, it happens more often. But, for me, I'm usually happy if two or three flies are working well on a trip out. If memory serves me right, I don't think that I have had an outing where "one fly" gave more than several dozen netted.
As the afternoon wore on, I kept looking at this magical fly. A bit tattered with ends unraveling. What once was tight, now was loose. (That sounds like my skin) Yes, this was not the prettiest fly. It was downright ugly! But, it was beautiful in my eyes as it had caught close to thirty fish. Could it keep going? Would I finally lose it under a rock or in a tree? Oh, I didn't even want to venture such a thought. I could stick it in my hat right now and call it good. And leave it there for old time sake as a remembrance of a great day on the water. Where had the time gone? The sun had moved it's position in the sky.

I looked at the clock for the first time that day. Ohhh... It was already that time that I was supposed to be back at the car. It was time to go home. Time had flown by and those boots had to go in the direction of the car now. The slow walk back had me shaking my head how incredible the day had been. There isn't a better feeling than being in the zone while fishing. You don't always see things happen quickly and easily... There are challenges in fly fishing. And that is why it intrigues me. But, once in awhile, we have that special day. As I put my gear back into the car, I reached into my fly box to retrieve the "one fly" that would be stuck into my hat and to never be used again. As I looked at my weather app, I noticed something startling. The barometer was falling. I had hit the front of a storm... Don't ever tell me it doesn't effect the fish. Lol.

The day needed to be capped off in style. A cozy restaurant in the canyon that has a few peacocks strolling the grounds was a perfect spot to unwind and enjoy the outside table on the porch.
Did I say that it was a perfect day? That one on the left is mine. A garlic bleu burger that is undoubtedly the best I've had. Yummy!
After using a single fly all day long, I had to look up the "single fly" competitions that I have always heard about. No, I'm not ready to enter into one. Haha. But, this is what they are about.
The Utah Single Fly, held on Utah's beautiful Green River, is a fly fishing tournament whose goal is to raise funds to support TU's work to protect and restore streamflows in Utah and to fight the spread of aquatic invasive into Utah waters.
Teams consist of four anglers. One fly per angler, one point per trout caught and released added to the total inches of two measured trout. A “big trout bonus” of 5 points for a trout of 20‐22”. “super
big trout bonus” of 10 points for a trout >22”.
I've heard that these are fun competitions for a great cause. Now, I look up to those who have entered, as it isn't the easiest to select the "one fly" that takes in all your fish. = )