Why is it that as Fall ends and Winter starts, a lot of fishermen become seasonal fisherman? They are now going to hang it up for the next 3-4 months. It could be age, difficulty on snowy ground, or they just don't like cold noses! I'm sure that a lot of "fair weather" fishermen head to the vise and tie up a lot of flies during the winter months. I'm going to tie more too. How do you like my perch? Others might enjoy more TV, including college bowl games and NBA basketball. Heck, they might even turn on QVC and buy watch that tremendous deal on that omelette maker that their wife wants so badly for Christmas.
Now, just remember... That a happy wife is one that is coddled a little... Just a little. = )

The last few catches this month were pretty nice.
But, the snow has come and the gloves with hand warmers accompany me now...
This has to be one of the reasons that I do fish in the cold months...
It just doesn't get much prettier or surreal. Oh, that freezing fog!
So, I'm gonna forget about the "Winter Blues" and focus on getting things accomplished this month... Maybe get in a few fishing days. But, December is a month of busy shopping days and fun times with the family. There's never a dull moment in ours... = ) My son and his beautiful wife prove that!