Thursday, January 30, 2020

The 45th Day Of January...

Let's face it. January never seems to end.  It always feels like the longest month of the year.  Maybe it is due to the Christmas hustle and bustle of December.  Then, boom!  We are in the slow, exhausted pace after the holidays.  We are recovering and moving more slowly.   Boredom sets in as the days are a little darker and colder.   Am I right?  When we are having fun, the time clock seems to speed up.  And let's face it... January usually doesn't provide fun unless you are skiing or snowboarding!  But, I'm not doing that this year.   Fishing?  Sure... I always like to freeze my A off during the winter for a couple of fish.  Hahahahaha

I definitely believe the lack of daylight in the early evenings is a factor in thinking there are 45 days in January instead of 31.  

Ok, ok.  Enough complaining.  So... next time someone talks about how long a month this has been, just ask them how their day is going!!! Haha.

Here are a few things that I have tied up this month...

And from the oven this month...

Alright!  Bring on February!!!  Warmer days?  More fish?

ORDER UP!!!  =)


  1. I'm ready for warmer days. I booked a place in March to psych myself up for fishing this spring. March seems so far away still.

  2. Kevin... Good thinking! You are not too far away from that trip. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. RD,
    January sure can test one's mettle. But on the bright side the days are getting brighter!
    Now bring on February...the real winter month.
    The baked goods sure look mighty tasty.

    1. Thanks, JJ. I think that I can handle one more cold month, but I sure am getting tired of the size 22 midges and RS2's. =) It will be nice to throw some bigger bugs...

  4. Hi Emily. I like the little pink fuzzy one. Are you a King Arthur Flour fan? I think my wife has about everything they offer, but I sure eat good.

    1. Mark, I love my sow bugs. Grey, Tan, Pink, Olive. They have produced more catches over the years than anything else! King Arthur does have a good product. I kind of switch around though. Whatever is on sale!

  5. First off I'll take a loaf of bread, and a dozen of the sweet rolls.
    Now as to the flies. That little pink one with the palmered hackle looks interesting as does that cone head Bugger.
    Keep warm Emily

    1. Alan, I wish that I could give you a loaf of my bread! You would enjoy. Those sowbugs are my signature winner over the years. But, basically... It's just a Ray Charles with a few embellishments. Happy February!

  6. Emily
    Take heart spring is just around the corner---those bake goods looks delicious---winter is my least favorite time of the year. Thanks for sharing

    1. Bill, around a big corner! Haha. I am a little jealous that you are enjoying warmer days than we are. But, we will catch up. =) Take it easy, friend!
