Feb. 28, 2012
The River Damsel answers the "tough" questions. = )Blog URL: www.theriverdamsel.com
2) Outdoor Mornings. Up at 5 a.m.? 6…7…8…9…Or when the sun heats up the tent and you can’t take it anymore? Easy…4:30 is my every day wake up call…so, let’s sleep in and make it 6. We are making breakfast before we head out to the river, right?
3) Snicker Bar or Granola Bar on the trail? A Snickers and a Diet Coke is all you need to have sustenance…At least that’s what I have been told by a certain “Outdooress” person. I brought the Snicker mini squares, she had the Snicker fun size bars…a perfect day.
4) Your Birthday is coming. What outdoor (dream) present should we all chip in to buy you this year?Can someone find me a fly patch so I can stop sticking flies in my sleeve???
5) Seven days in the Alaskan Wilderness or Seven days on a Tropical Beach? Let’s see…I have been to Alaska and got stuck in silt above my knees…How about adding a guided bonefish excursion and I’m on that beach!
7) Finish this sentence: When I was a little kid, I loved to go outside and… Swim in Grandma’s pool. Now, I just want to stand upright in a river!
8 ) Do you have an Outdoor related item that is priceless to you? What is it and why? This is easy…all the flies that bloggers have sent to me in the mail. I have taken two from each package and put them in a special “collectors box” that is in a display case. The outdoor blogger connection of special friends sharing their talents and outdoor passion with me, means a lot.
9) Fill in the blank. When I head outdoors I need to have__dental floss___with me? (Due to the many occurrences with barbs in the fingers)
10) What’s the story behind your blog name? After trying to help a mother and two children that flipped over in their tubes going down the Weber River, I was sitting on a rock afterwards and I saw a blue damsel…So, it was easy to come up with a blog name. And my sub-title…”Adventure In Every Riffle”, self-explanatory!
1) Hold your ground and see who blinks first
2) throw your gear at the Grizzly and run for your life or
3) faint on the spot?
2) throw your gear at the Grizzly and run for your life or
3) faint on the spot?
If the bear spray doesn’t work, #3… I know this much. Rebecca and I would rather have a picture taken with a “trophy” bear in NC any day!!! Haha.
Thank You River Damsel for standing in the fire! Great Interview and that bear picture….hopefully that’s the closest I ever get to a bear. Ever…
Everyone, be sure to check out the always great blog The River Damsel